What is a Pillow Cube Kid?

Pillow Cube Kids are huggable, squeezable toys that spark imagination and fun, then unfold into a full-sized pillow for naptime or bedtime. With the perfect softness for head support, they help kids sleep soundly without tossing or turning.

Great For All This & More!

Pillow Cube Kids make waking up fun, with cuddly characters ready for every adventure. The cat reads with you, the shark keeps you safe, and the unicorn loves rainbows and dreams.

Perfect for trips, Pillow Cube Kids are the ideal travel buddy. Plus, their square shape is designed to cradle the head for a better night's sleep.

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Try Pillow Cube Kids Risk Free!

We’re so confident that you’ll love Pillow Cube Kids, we offer a 60-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. If you don’t LOVE them, simply send it back for a full refund, less P&H. No questions asked!

This Offer Is Not Available In Stores
Fill out the form below or call 1-800-279-7620 to order Now!
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STEP 1: Select Your Offer

Rainbow Unicorn

$19.99 + $5.99 S&H

Purple Unicorn

$19.99 + $5.99 S&H

Blue Shark

$19.99 + $5.99 S&H

Green Dinosaur

$19.99 + $5.99 S&H

Orange Sloth

$19.99 + $5.99 S&H

Teal Kitty

$19.99 + $5.99 S&H
To Change Selection Below the Selection Image and choose a new Pillow Cube Kids

Rainbow Unicorn

Purple Unicorn

Green Dinosaur

Orange Sloth

STEP 2: Select Payment Type

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STEP 3: Billing Address

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STEP 4: Shipping Address

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By clicking the Process Order button you are placing a live order and agreeing to the terms of our 60-day money back guarantee.

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For a limited time only, we'll send you 1 Pillow Cube Kids in your choice of style for just $19.99 + $5.99 shipping & handling!

This offer is covered by our 60-Day Money Back Guarantee (less shipping, processing, handling, and fees). Sales tax will be applied where applicable. Non-continental U.S. orders please add an additional $29.99 shipping surcharge.

For customer service, please call 1-888-358-6339 or email PillowCubeKids@rephelpdesk.com. To check the status of your order, please click .